Photo of Plácido Dova Argentina

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Since childhood sentií the aesthetic enjoyment. The primary study (which are the ones I have), I knew the work of the great artistas.Admiraba to Caravaggio. Then I became a "fan" of Jacques Louis David, the flagship of neorealism. I'm self taught and probably why I took to painting realistic. I tried to reflect reality as faithfully posible.cosa I always did.

Adult grew in me a...

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27.56 x 13.78 in
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Photo of Plácido Dova Argentina


Since childhood sentií the aesthetic enjoyment. The primary study (which are the ones I have), I knew the work of the great artistas.Admiraba to Caravaggio. Then I became a "fan" of Jacques Louis David, the flagship of neorealism. I'm self taught and probably why I took to painting realistic. I tried to reflect reality as faithfully posible.cosa I always did.

Adult grew in me a passion for drawing and painting. I'm actually retired from the Courier, Operator Communications Systems, where he worked for 46 years., But always drawing, and I had time for it., A teenager, I drew and painted pictures to teachers and my friends who were in teaching. I became a songwriter, posters, draftsman in construction, in short, everything that had relation with art. Portraits using photographs as support, etc. In the 70s I began to paint posters for films, on a platform that was two meters per seis.Pintaba oil portraits of stage and film actors who went estrenaban.Despùes an architect's assistant for 15 years. I became a draftsman in separate building, but always drawing and painting all kinds of paintings, portraits, seascapes, figures, ERTC to docking in horses. I addressed the issue of the same for more than 20 years. Through observation and reading specialized books texo, deepened my knowledge of the anatomy of the noble animal. Call it a tribute to the horse. We must not forget that our country was forged on horseback, both in war and in love horses paz.Además "those people who enjoy the beauty without vanity, strength without insolence, courage without ferocity, and all the virtues of man without his vices. "

He made numerous solo exhibitions, among which deserve the name: two in the H. C of Deputies of the Province, which were declarads of legislative interest. In group shows at the Veterinary Faculty at the University of Buenos Aires, the Sheraton hotel to mark the hundred years of veterinary science in our country, the First National Painting Exhibition held in Salta Horse, organized by the Directorate of Culture that city, in the National Congress of Deputies HC. Participated in painting competitions at the horse in the Rural Society for eight times, having won two first prizes, one second and two especiales.Lo did also in the Tournament of grandparents Bonaerenses dsurante nine consecutive years and I was a finalist in six years. Got Bronze Medal and a special mention, what is not wrong because they are 134 municipalities, of which only go to the final nineteen.

So far my career as an art lover. I have to me that the Lord gave me this talent the day he was born and I put it to show my drawings and paintings, as my hand makes what the eye and mind see.

Today, thanks to this wonderful site I can show my s work. Thank their creators, we give unknown artists, the show at mundo.Que oporunidad of this?. ARTEL THANKS!

Plácido Dova


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